Twenty-three Things I Love At 23.

Well, today is the day.  I am officially one year older.  I have to admit that I don't feel much different, but I think that's the way it's supposed to go...  You don't feel any older as each birthday passes and then one day you wake up and you're 23, remembering your 13th birthday when your best friend decorated her room in streamers and made you a chocolate cake to celebrate.  Bam.  Ten years that seemed to go by faster than I could say "WHOA."   But the good thing about this birthday is that it has helped me realize how incredibly lucky I am to be here. While there are about a million unknowns about what will happen between now and 24, there are plenty of things to hold on to as I embark on another year.

In an effort to appreciate this birthday as much as possible, I have decided to focus on twenty-three things that I'm thankful for as I add another candle to the proverbial birthday cake.  So, here it goes!

Twenty-three Things I Love at 23:
  1. Waking up to yet another beautiful morning.
  2. Having awesome parents I get to see almost every day.
  3. The best little sister and brother. Hands down.
  4. Still getting carded when I walk into a bar.
  5. Kim's birthday phone call every year at midnight since I can't remember when.
  6. Weekend trips to Chicago.
  7. Pretty amazing friends scattered all over the country.
  8. Writing.
  9. Kate Spade iPhone covers.
  10. Being a working girl and learning how to support myself.
  11. The J.Crew catalog.
  12. Rascal Flatts concerts.
  13. Living close to my grandparents for a while.
  14. Unsweetened iced tea.
  15. Being close enough to see Claire play this year. GO BLUE!
  16. Pilates Reformer machines.
  17. Being surrounded by such cute & playful puppies.  All the time.
  18. My new TechnoMarine watch.
  19. Lemon drop martinis. My drink of choice.
  20. Buffalo sauce. On anything.
  21. Jamming to Taylor Swift.  I'll never be too old.
  22. Traveling, traveling, traveling!!
  23. Pretending to know what my future holds.
