Twenty-Four Things I LOVE At 24.

I meant to post this last Friday, but all the birthday craziness kept me pretty busy before I packed up and headed up to the lake for one of THE best birthday weekends I can remember.  It was weird, celebrating my birthday with so many friends who kept reminding me that it was my birthday. Felt kind of awkward having the attention on me in that way, but was overwhelmingly fantastic to spend such a beautiful weekend with so many fun and special people.  So... anyway, here is the birthday post.  It's a few days in to 24 (four to be exact) so I think it's safe to say this list has some authority...

Written Friday, August 26, 2011.
 Today is the day.  The third anniversary of my 21st birthday.  The five-year anniversary from when I became legal, and the 24th anniversary of when I entered this world after more than one false alarm and 17 hours of intense labor (sorry Mom).  I am feeling so much love and happy energy so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all of the birthday wishes.  Last year, I put together a list of 23 things I liked about turning 23 ("Twenty-three Things I Love At 23").  It was more of an effort to bring a little more positive energy into my life than a genuine reflection, but it WORKED.  Little by little, I focused on that list to keep my head up in the following months when I was trying to figure out what the heck being an adult was and trying to decide where my life was supposed to go.  Here I am, so far from where I was, in just a measly little year.  In the name of new traditions, I'm going to keep that list going... but I'm happy to say that this year, this list was much easier to put together.

Twenty-Four Things I Love At 24 
  1. My family - I could break it down by individuals but my heart feels so full I swear it could burst when I think about just how thankful I am to have each of them in my life. So I'll lump them all together.
  2. Summertime.
  3. Wawasee.
  4. Writing this blog.
  5. My cute little apartment overlooking a pond.
  6. Spending time with my fabulous friends.
  7. Celebrating my birthday for a whole weekend up at the lake.
  8. Sunscreen... I'm one year closer to wrinkles. Gotta protect myself!
  9. PUPPIES. Any and all. Mostly Norm, Simon, Otis, Gus & Bob. But I love other puppies too.
  10. Buffalo wings. 
  11. My job. It's funny how much more perspective one year can bring you.
  12. Photography
  13. Being blonde... That whole brunette stint last fall was just.... eww.
  14. Kate Spade iPhone covers.
  15. European adventures. Only 21 more days til Germany & Italy. Ahh!
  16. Having such amazing friends all over the country (and in Poland).
  17. Shopping. It's an addiction, I know. But I love it.
  18. Wilma.
  19. This weather lately... it doesn't get any more perfect than 75 and sunny.
  20. Michigan volleyball & getting to see Claire Bear play again this year!
  21. Little brother Ross, an IU transfer, being closer to home (but still never answering his phone).
  22. Happy hour.
  23. My ugly green bicycle.
  24. Travel.


  1. Ok found the comment button.

    LOVE THIS POST. Thinking of all the top things in your life make you think how great life is. Cheese fest. Either way, love it.

  2. Nikkithepup is glad you like ALL puppies and Wawasee! Did you like card Nikki's mom sent?

  3. Lauren - Thank you! It's kind of funny how easy it is to enjoy your life when you take a minute to focus on all the things that make it wonderful!

    Linda - I LOVED the card. And all puppies of course. Thank you for thinking of me!


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