2012... Bring It On

I'd like to start this off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you fabulous people out there.  As some of you may know, my family and I were able to spend the holidays sailing around the British Virgin Islands this year and I have to say that I am most grateful for that time away.  We were able to really enjoy each other's company, share a lot of laughs, read some good books, sip some tasty beverages, and have an all-around great time (not to mention spending New Year's Eve talking to an incredibly intriguing--and attractive-- South African sailor...:).  I was also able to spend some time reflecting while I was out there, floating on a beautiful boat in the middle of the ocean.  I found myself constantly coming back to thinking about what it is I want out of 2012.

GOALS for 2012:  
1.  Breathe more.
2.  Complain less.
3.  Have a life.
4.  Be inspired.

I used to be one of those people who made countless New Year's Resolutions about losing weight and not eating dinner after 8 pm, reading more books, exercising more, traveling more, essentially just doing more than I had done in the 12 months leading up to January 1st.  But I don't want any of that this year.  2011 was a trying, but somehow still pretty great year.  It was a year full of personal challenges, self-discovery, health scares, travel, new friends, new adventures, family... a lot of things that a person would hope for out of 365 days.  So this is the year that my goals are less concrete. Yes, I would LOVE to lose 20 lbs and win the lottery.  But if those things don't happen, I'm pretty sure everything is going to be just fine.

These goals might sound strange to most of you.  Hellooo, I'm alive.  I'm breathing.  I went on a fantastic vacation with my family.  I have a great job.  A pretty cute apartment.  I get it.  All in all, I have a pretty great life.  But what I have discovered is that there is a difference between striving to be something better, DO something more in your life and actually LIVING it and appreciating it for what it is. So 2012 is all about doing those things.  Bettering myself as a person on the inside and really experiencing my life every single day.  I think there's something to be said for being content with the way things are.  And ladies and gentlemen, that is exactly what I intend to do. :)
