Call Valentine's Day whatever you want: your favorite holiday, the "greeting card holiday,"
a stupid holiday, an overrated holiday, the best holiday ever because you don't get flowers
any other time of the year, or the one day on the calendar that takes you one step closer to sugar-induced diabetes...
In all seriousness though, no matter where you may fall on the Valentine's day fan spectrum, there is no denying that the day is all about love. I think I learn the same things over and over again, year in and year out. But I thought it couldn't hurt to post them on my little blog here in honor of one of the most hotly debated holidays on the calendar. (Not to mention it's been a while since my last post.) After spending the day observing the social media sphere, the office, smatterings of pink and red all over the place, and a particularly interesting stint of people watching at a bar after the Butler Basketball game, I'd like to briefly sum up what I gathered from this simultaneously loved and hated holiday.
1. I have some really fantastic friends and family. No surprise there, I know. But it was still pretty great exchanging "Happy V-Day!" and "I love you guys!" texts throughout the day. And going to the Butler basketball game was the icing on top of the cake. It all makes me feel pretty darn lucky to have so many people to love in my life.
2. Red looks awful on me. I knew this before. But yesterday just reaffirmed that fact. And the only office-appropriate pink shirt I own is about two sizes too big and pretty frumpy looking. So... my Valentine's Day attire wasn't nearly as festive as I would have liked. Oh well. Maybe next year I'll find something with hearts all over it. Probably not though.
3. Nobody likes the bitter singleton posting about how much Valentine's Day sucks on Facebook, Twitter or any other form of social media. It's about LOVE people. In any form. If you're that upset you didn't get candies and flowers, I'm pretty sure I saw some on sale at CVS.
4. There's something about this holiday that gets a girl thinking about what she wants out of life: Be it new hobbies, more wine, a puppy, boys, a new wardrobe or a Master's degree.
5. Do not- I repeat, do NOT - be the girl who ventures to the bar alone and throws herself into the lap of any dude that happens to wave your way. It's a Tuesday for goodness sake. Not your last night on the planet. Pull yourself together and go rent The Notebook or something if you're so into the self-loathing thing. (It wasn't me, I swear, but it was fascinating to watch.)
6. My creative streak unfortunately doesn't reach much past a mani/pedi or an hour-long massage when it comes to interesting gifts. Helping Nate think of a crafty but simple Valentine's Day surprise for his girlfriend really opened my eyes to the fact that I am a really boring gift giver. Oops.
7. Even when your fellow single friends get flowers and boxes of chocolates from Mr. Somebody Random That They Met Last Week, SMILE. And be happy for them. Don't give in to that fleeting, nagging thought that you might in fact be the last person on the planet that hasn't been invited onto the Valentine's Day participation train. Chances are there are at least a few others out there. For now.
8. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE LOVE, PEOPLE. In all shapes and forms and ways you can imagine. A valentine doesn't have to be a significant other you stare dreamily into the eyes of over a candlelit dinner (though that doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world). A valentine can be your mom or dad who sent you a bouquet of edible fruit (or real flowers) with a heartfelt note. Or a dear friend who rushes to hug you and hands you a white rose after not having seen you for a while.
Hell... you can be your own valentine if you want to get all technical about it. Because loving yourself is a part of love as well. Loving yourself enough to exercise. Or enjoy a glass of wine. Or enough not to settle for someone who doesn't treat you the way you deserve. There are 365 days on a calendar and chances are that love exists in every single one of them in some way. This just happens to be the most obnoxious day of them all that forces you to think about the love you have in your life. The least we can do is embrace it.
In all seriousness though, no matter where you may fall on the Valentine's day fan spectrum, there is no denying that the day is all about love. I think I learn the same things over and over again, year in and year out. But I thought it couldn't hurt to post them on my little blog here in honor of one of the most hotly debated holidays on the calendar. (Not to mention it's been a while since my last post.) After spending the day observing the social media sphere, the office, smatterings of pink and red all over the place, and a particularly interesting stint of people watching at a bar after the Butler Basketball game, I'd like to briefly sum up what I gathered from this simultaneously loved and hated holiday.
1. I have some really fantastic friends and family. No surprise there, I know. But it was still pretty great exchanging "Happy V-Day!" and "I love you guys!" texts throughout the day. And going to the Butler basketball game was the icing on top of the cake. It all makes me feel pretty darn lucky to have so many people to love in my life.
2. Red looks awful on me. I knew this before. But yesterday just reaffirmed that fact. And the only office-appropriate pink shirt I own is about two sizes too big and pretty frumpy looking. So... my Valentine's Day attire wasn't nearly as festive as I would have liked. Oh well. Maybe next year I'll find something with hearts all over it. Probably not though.
3. Nobody likes the bitter singleton posting about how much Valentine's Day sucks on Facebook, Twitter or any other form of social media. It's about LOVE people. In any form. If you're that upset you didn't get candies and flowers, I'm pretty sure I saw some on sale at CVS.
4. There's something about this holiday that gets a girl thinking about what she wants out of life: Be it new hobbies, more wine, a puppy, boys, a new wardrobe or a Master's degree.
5. Do not- I repeat, do NOT - be the girl who ventures to the bar alone and throws herself into the lap of any dude that happens to wave your way. It's a Tuesday for goodness sake. Not your last night on the planet. Pull yourself together and go rent The Notebook or something if you're so into the self-loathing thing. (It wasn't me, I swear, but it was fascinating to watch.)
6. My creative streak unfortunately doesn't reach much past a mani/pedi or an hour-long massage when it comes to interesting gifts. Helping Nate think of a crafty but simple Valentine's Day surprise for his girlfriend really opened my eyes to the fact that I am a really boring gift giver. Oops.
7. Even when your fellow single friends get flowers and boxes of chocolates from Mr. Somebody Random That They Met Last Week, SMILE. And be happy for them. Don't give in to that fleeting, nagging thought that you might in fact be the last person on the planet that hasn't been invited onto the Valentine's Day participation train. Chances are there are at least a few others out there. For now.
8. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE LOVE, PEOPLE. In all shapes and forms and ways you can imagine. A valentine doesn't have to be a significant other you stare dreamily into the eyes of over a candlelit dinner (though that doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world). A valentine can be your mom or dad who sent you a bouquet of edible fruit (or real flowers) with a heartfelt note. Or a dear friend who rushes to hug you and hands you a white rose after not having seen you for a while.
Hell... you can be your own valentine if you want to get all technical about it. Because loving yourself is a part of love as well. Loving yourself enough to exercise. Or enjoy a glass of wine. Or enough not to settle for someone who doesn't treat you the way you deserve. There are 365 days on a calendar and chances are that love exists in every single one of them in some way. This just happens to be the most obnoxious day of them all that forces you to think about the love you have in your life. The least we can do is embrace it.
"When you figure out love is all that matters after all, it sure makes everything else seem so small." -carrie underwood
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