Writer's Block BE GONE

It has been quite a while since I last posted.  I will be honest when I say I've got about 10 drafts just sitting in my blog box waiting to be published.  But I just. can't. do it.  For some reason I've had the worst case of writer's block recently.  It's not that I've never experienced this before... I'm definitely no stranger to the infuriating blankness that comes with trying to put words to the page every now and then.  It just seems that lately, I've been missing that sort of daily fascination and inspiration that seemed to make it so easy for me turn my thoughts into posts.

I've got so many things to tell you about!  My trip, what I learned, how much I'm loving fall, thoughts on homesickness, being a bad Hoosier, the not-as-successful-as-I-hoped photo shoot that made me realize the HUGE difference between taking pictures of adults and taking pictures of squirmy two-year-olds who can't stop staring at the swing set.  See? Lots to say.  But every time I've started to write, it's like my mind goes blank and I can't seem to figure out just how to write something worth reading.

Thanks to an email from a friend I have yet to meet, I think I've had that kick in the butt I needed.  Barb, a friend of my mom's from yoga, emailed me earlier this week to let me know that she was hoping I would get back to writing again soon.  It was flattering to realize that someone looked forward to reading the ramblings that seem to stumble out of my head on this blog.  And her email reminded me that I need to stop obsessing about finding things to write about that other people enjoy or can relate to.  I write this blog for me. And that seems to be enough for most people.  So thank you, Barb!!  I've got lots of things coming your way.  Read on and enjoy! :)
