In The Spirit Of Thanksgiving

Okay, so I lied.  My writer's block is still going strong.  I swear I have posts piled up in my drafts folder just WAITING for the day I can magically turn them into something more than word vomit.  But until then, I figured it would be near impossible to fail at a post about Thanksgiving. 

My brother came home a few days ago and we are heading up to see Claire in Ann Arbor tomorrow afternoon and I AM SO EXCITED.  I'm having flashbacks of my mom playing power hour with us before the Kenny Chesney concert and my dad choking at flip cup up at the lake.  I can't wait for some good old fashioned McElheny Family Fun up in Ann Arbor for the Michigan vs. Ohio State Weekend festivities.  It's the first time that the five of us will all get to be together at the same time since mom had her surgery back in July.  And holy WOW it feels like that was a million years ago.

I don't think it's a secret that this year has given me a lot to be thankful for.  I'm thankful for having such amazing friends, a great job, the opportunity to travel, the ability to write.  But all of that pales in comparison to health and family.  This year, more than ever before, I have realized just how important it is to wake up each day thankful for the people you love. 

I think it's easy to sometimes get caught up in what you don't have and the things you haven't done and the places you haven't been.  I spend so much time trying to figure out where I'm "supposed to be" and what I should be doing and how I should be feeling.  It's easy to let it build up and then all of a sudden you might wake up on a Tuesday and feel like you're suffocating.

It's nice to have days like Thanksgiving built into the calendar to cause us to take a step back and remember just how lucky we are.  

"When your life is full to the brim, it's easy to forget that's a beautiful thing."

Remember that this Thanksgiving.  It'll make the days in between a lot easier to appreciate when you're counting all those blessings.

Enjoy the holiday, everyone!  PS:  I'm thankful for all of you readers out there too! :)
