25, I'm Comin' Atcha

In just three short days, I will officially be 25.  I will finally be able to rent a car without the $10 fee (though the only time I've ever needed to rent a car was senior year of college when my car got stolen).  But more importantly, as more than a few friends have lovingly pointed out, I'm coming up on a quarter of a century. A QUARTER CENTURY.  While I feel like it sounds pretty old... let's be honest. It's kind of awesome.  I've been making my mark on this beautiful planet of ours for a whole 25 years. 

Over the last few years, I have discovered in writing this blog, that birthdays are a great chance to reflect on the things you love and what you want out of your year (much better than New Year's Resolutions for sure).  At 23 ("Twenty-three Things I Love At 23", my list was a way to focus on the bright spots in my life when I was having a hard time adjusting and figuring out what I wanted to do.  At 24, I made the list again ("Twenty-Four Things I Love At 24"), and found that the things I loved were still very much the same, but my outlook had dramatically improved.  It's so easy to go through life one day at a time and fail to recognize the change and progress we make.  But making the list made me realize that somehow, over the course of a year, the pieces of my life had managed to come together in a great way... largely without my even realizing it. You should try it sometime.  Seriously.  It'll make you feel fantastic.

Well, my list is pretty much the same this year.  So instead of making a list of 25 things this year, how about a list of one.

What do I love about 25?   


For a while there, the fact that I was turning 25 totally intimidated me.  I mean... that's old, right? False.  According to my mom, life gets really great at 50.  So really, I'm just getting started.

Earlier this week, a friend of mine posted a happy birthday message to her friend Spencer.  It was supposed to be his 24th birthday.  But he died unexpectedly back in April, a month and a half before his graduation... And I think that's when it really hit me.  Twenty five is a BIG deal.  And it's awesome.  I started thinking about all of the things I've done, the places I've been, people I've met and the fun I've had in between 24 and 25, and I couldn't help but feel so incredibly lucky for every single minute of such an ordinary life.

Far too many people don't get to see another birthday.  And I would be willing to bet that they're all people who had a lot of living left to do.  SO... here's my plan this year:

To live as fully and enthusiastically as I possibly can.  

The truth is, I'm not sure I could be more excited.  While I'm no longer on the younger side of my twenties, (from here on out, the next 5 years is going to be a (hopefully graceful) dance to THIRTY) who the heck cares?  By by some stroke of luck or grand design, I have been lucky enough to see another birthday.  There is no way am I not milking this year for everything it's worth.

So, 25... get ready.  Because I'm coming for ya. :)
